Change in inevitable. If we like change or not, things are continuously changing and are mainly out of our control. For example, if we believe in it or not, global warming is happening around us, in many parts of our country and the world.
The Value Of Life Many things come to mind when it comes to life and placing value on it. From birth, the gift of life is granted to us and we have so much to live for. What we do with our lives and how we value it, is what matters most. Many
I hope you enjoyed my last blog on Mother's Day is a Gift. Remember that if you are a mother, plan ahead to taking care of yourself, either on Mother's Day or soon after. I thought that having a nice breakfast on Mother's Day would be a great
The Gift Of Being A Mother Not only is Mother’s Day, a national holiday, it hits home for many people. Some adult children have lost their mothers, some are lucky to have their mothers, even if they are aging, and some of us are
This time of year, we think of our spouses, partners, significant others, family members and even close friends. It is a time of giving to others, and showing and/or expressing our love. Valentine’s Day is a special day for love and showing it to
I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus about 21 years ago, shortly after I had given birth to my son. Everyone has EBV dormant in their body, and it can come out anytime, due to stress, immune system factors and from having mononucleosis, which I
Wherever you are at in your life is perfectly fine. Don't beat yourself up by saying over and over again, I am fat, overweight, not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, etc. It's important to accept yourself for where you are at in your
What You Will Learn: How To Shop Healthier How To Read Food Labels Learn What Foods Are Beneficial & Give You Lot’s Of Energy Learn What Foods Might Be Harmful & Deplete Energy To book your food tour, contact Laura at (631) 262-0220